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What are the functions of automatic in-mold labeling machine

Author:千赢国际官网 Click: Time:2020-12-25 12:28:42

A brief introduction to the scope of application and functional characteristics of the automatic in-mold labeling machine:

Now let's introduce the functional characteristics of the in-mold labeling machine.

1, support taper bottle labeling, with taper adjustment button, and can be simply adjusted to meet the taper bottle labeling.

2. With powerful data memory function, the bottle type only needs to be adjusted once to store the data. When switching the bottle type, it is necessary to bring out some data, which can be produced without adjustment again, and it is easy to use.

3. The in-mold labeling machine is used for labeling, and the labeling quality is very good. It has the dual positioning function of product positioning and label correction.

4, the function switch is relatively simple, dial the selection switch can choose single label and double label label.

5, with the characteristics of safety and health, the equipment is mainly made of stainless steel and advanced aluminum alloy production process, in line with the GMP production requirements.

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